Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Journal #3.5 EC October 15th, 2014

Amanda Trimble
15 October 2014
1:00 PM
57 Degrees F, rain

Today at the Washington Park Arboretum it was cold and rainy. It was kind of miserable, but I think the plants appreciate the precipitation. Everything looks pretty similar to last week, but leaves are definitely shedding and it's getting muddy.

This is looking out from Marker 21 at the end of September.
This is today, October 15th. It is not easy to tell, but it's a lot darker and there is a lot of fog.

Not sure what this is called, but it grows in water and looks like a bush made of grass.

 Red Alder
 I can't find what plant this is either. It is dark red and has tiny leaves surrounding the joints in balls.

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