Friday, November 7, 2014

Journal #6 November 5th, 2014

Wednesday November 5th, 2014
56 Degrees F, 2 PM
The Arboretum Today!
Arriving today at Marsh Island today was very different than in weeks past because they are doing a ton of construction now, and I can't access part of the trail(Foster Island) that I always walk on when documenting my site. That being said, I managed to document Marsh Island still, and I took a walk in the real Arboretum instead of Foster Island. The weather was dry for the most part with a few sprinkles of rain, and it was looking beautiful! I also do my service learning in the Arboretum, so it was nice to finally play outside with the kids while not wearing a rain coat. The trees are turning a lot of different colors, and everything that isn't orange, yellow, or red is very green. The visibility overlooking the water is definitely lower than before. I guess I never noticed it before, but there are a ton of mushrooms at my site, and I am excited to document them next week. Learning about mushrooms from Noelle opened my eyes to what is around me when I walk through the trails. Specifically for today, I just tried to see my site through a fresh lens, and that was very cool. I took in my surrounding better than I had previously by trying to describe plants without standard vocabulary.

First repeat photo- I notice the visibility decreasing, and also the water level rising. The fragrant water lilies aren't too different from last time I was here.

The trees across the bridge are more yellow than last time.

Even though some of the lily pads are turning yellow and brown, there are a good amount that look green and vibrant like this one.

This willow tree is at the beginning of the bridge. It has more spots than a couple of weeks ago, and it is more yellow.

This is the place where I sat and enjoyed nature for five minutes. The atmosphere was very serene, and I felt at peace. Not many people were in the Arboretum so I had it all to myself to reflect and be "one with nature." I especially like the smell of fresh, woody air that surrounds the place. I like this bridge a lot, even though it is man-made, I always look forward to this view. It is amazing how many different trees are in the Arboretum- I don't really focus on documenting them because they aren't in my "spot" but in my virtual tour I might talk about them. I like this picture so much that I made it my cover photo on Facebook!
This little guy came within a pretty close distance when I was being quiet. The funny thing is that during Fiddleheads (my service learning) the theme was "silly squirrels,"
 and the kids were being so loud that we only saw one squirrel during the whole time outside. I guess they are wary of rowdy kids!
Description One 

This organism is huge! It towers high above most of the other growing organisms. It grows arm-like protrusions, and these arms grow little "hands" as pictured above. The skin of the organism is hard and sturdy, and a kind of grey color.  The skin of the main organism has patches of green fur covering it which is very soft. The hands are spade shaped, and are green, yellow, brown, and black. The material is thin, and has veins running from the middle of its spine. It feels papery and can easily be torn. They are dropping from the arms and onto the ground.
Description Two
This little creature is brown, gray, and white. He has a hoppity-skippity kind of walk, and doesn't make much of a sound, at least when he is on the ground. He is fast, and doesn't like it when you get too close. He has two beady eyes, a hard pecker where a nose would be, and can fly. He is covered in fur-like material that helps him fly and keep him warm. The feet have 3 or 4 little claws. White eyebrows. Streaky pattern on belly.
Description Three
Very small, pretty organism. It comes out of the ground only a few inches. The bulb-like top has delicate petals that start white and turn purple. Three tiny green fingers come from the stalk that holds up the bulb. They have hearts in the middle of them. Poem:
Deathly cold
Beauty remains
purples and greens
Reduce the pain
That is my best attempt at a poem, I hope you like it!




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